Noun Phrase - Soal dan Jawaban

Latihan Soal Pilihan Ganda Tentang Noun Phrase Lengkap Jawaban
  1. Mitsuha is a ... girl with red ... and ... type hairstyle.
    a. Beautiful, skies, black
    b. Beautiful, hand, twisted
    c. Beautiful, ribbon, ponytail
    d. Good, smart, ugly
  2. The ... student with ... and ... colored hair is Taki, my friend.
    a. Handsome, short, brown
    b. Beautiful, black, smart
    c. Smart, long, short
    d. Blue, short, black
  3. They Hope to win the main prize of the competition
    a. They Hope to
    b. To win
    c. The main prize of the competition
    d. The main prize
  4. The Children at the school tried to solve the math problem
    a. The Children
    b. At the school
    c. Tried to solve
    d. To solve the math problem
  5. Did you enjoy watching the movie?
    a. Watching the movie
    b. Did you
    c. Did you enjoy
    d. Enjoy watching
  6. The girl wants to go home
    a. The girl
    b. To go home
    c. The girl wants
    d. Wants to go 
  7. The girl denied yelling her friend
    a. The girl denied
    b. Yelling her friend
    c. Denied yelling
    d. Her friend
  8. The culprit refuse to answer the question
    a. The culprit refuse
    b. The question
    c. To answer the question
    d. Refuse to answer
  9. The dogs prefer living in light stables
    a. Prefer living
    b. Living in light staples
    c. The dogs prefer living
    d. The dogs
  10. To text your ex-wife is disgraceful
    a. To text your ex-wife
    b. Your ex-wife is disgraceful
    c. Your ex-wife
    d. Is disgraceful 
  11. They will hate to do such a homework
    a. They will hate
    b. To do such
    c. To do such a homework
    d. A homework
  12. She dislikes having to cut her hair
    a. She dislikes
    b. Having to
    c. To cut her hair
    d. Her hair
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